Wednesday, March 23, 2011

GOD even speaks to you sometimes when you need healing

when i couldn't walk I didn't know what was wrong all i know i was getting shooting pains in my foot in the middle of the night and i wanted to cry so bad from how bad the pain was but God spoke to me even though i wasn't expecting him to .he told me not to cry cause the devil wants me to . i couldn't walk on my leg for a few days and i was on crutches i hated it couldn't really do anything for my self. i went to a doctor who told me i would be on crutches most of my life i didn't believe him! it was hard relying on other people trying to do stuff your self and your on crutches when i tried to put shoes on it killed me i couldn't even walk how bad it was and the doctor didn't help just put a bandage on my foot that made it worse. God told me to tell people i was healed even though i wasn't so i told people that I didn't even know i was on crutches . i told them i was and told them i was healed even though i wasn't the next day i could walk . praise God !!! I don't know how many months later but the foot problem came back in the middle of the night no one was up but me so all i know my foot was in pain and i didn't want to lay down i wanted to walk i still had my crutches from last time but didn't want to use them when i woke up i told my mom and tried to sleep off the pain when i woke up my mom was ready to take me to the emergency room to see what was going on so as I'm getting ready then God spoke to me he told me not to go to the doctor hes going to make me walk and told me to get out of bed so i did pain free !!! i threw out my crutches never need them again ! PRAISE GOD!

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